Friday 2 December 2011

A lovely chapel

Hidden between the canal Bruges-Ostend, and the railroad to the coast, is that most wonderful place. A scenery, that reminds the 17th century, displays itself before the eyes of the occasional bypasser. The canal -been dug during Spanish rule- and rows of majestic trees dominate the landscape, in which a modest chapel, and some old farms are located beside a manor house.
Doña B. and I love this spot!
The chapel is called "kapel van't Boompje", meaning "chapel of the Tree". It was constructed in 1664 by a nobleman, Andries De La Coste. His father was a Genoese merchant and as his mama's name was Livina De Valencia, I can only suppose he had Spanish roots too.
The story goes that two seamen found a statue of Mary under a lime tree. It was brought to the local church, but appeared the next morning again under the tree. Since then, the spot is a place of pilgrimage for sailors and farmers.
The ship model hanging from the ceiling is an ex-voto, donated in 1683 by some men whose ship survived a severe storm.
Making ship models still had a purpose in those days.

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